1998/99 - President Trevor Brown - District Governor Ray Welsford

Rotary Theme - "Follow your Rotary Dream"

A small but growing club of 21 members gained one new member, John Vanden Bosch, and we lost David Russell to other commitments.  We had a strong youth program which saw Sally Thompson complete a year in Finland and Mindy Nagra from Canada spend her year at Torquay as part of the Rotary Youth Exchange.   A highlight of the year was a combined Rotary - Lions dinner auction which raised over $6,000 and it was therefore voted to maintain it as an annual event.  Once again we helped with the car parking at the Bell's Beach surfing championships channeling the profits towards a Matching Grant with the Rotary Club of Byndoor in India.  We hosted some members of the French Group Study Exchange team.  We invited Judy Patching to help us raise over $1,000 for the Para Olympic basketball team.  We sent students to RYPEN, the Summer School of Science and nominated Richard Bain for an Ambassadorial Scholarship.  Our club visited the State Parliament, organized a wine bottling and arranged a combined dinner with six other clubs as a send off for our District GSE team to France with our own PP Howard Randall as team leader.  Four intrepid members of our club joined a FAIM team which re-roofed a hospital in Tonga.  PP Mary Elliott was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship.
