1990/91 - President Don Ward - District Governor Keith Grimm
Rotary Theme - "Honour Rotary with Faith and Enthusiasm"
Danni Maughan returned home after a very successful exchange in South Africa. Marijka Fitzpatrick departed for Indonesia and Brooke Scanlon was selected as our outbound student to Thailand for next year. Casserole Nights and another Dinner Auction helped swell our funds. Pride of Work Awards were made to David Gaze, John Armstrong and Connie Ross. Geoff Dawson, Maurice Lee and Jeff Binder were recipients of Paul Harris Recognitions. The Jan Juc Observation Platform was our major project for the year. PP Jeff Binder led a FAIM Team to Popondetta in PNG and the Club paid the expenses of a local apprentice builder, Sefton Peters, to be a member of the team. Ben Irwin and Danni Maughan were sponsored for RYLA.