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Torquay Rotary BOOK FAIR 2025
Jan 17, 2025 9:00 am - Jan 19, 2025 4:00 pm AUS Eastern Daylight Time (UTC+11:00)
Annual Rotary Book Fair
Surf Coast Secondary College
Jan 17, 2025 9:00 am –
Jan 19, 2025 4:00 pm
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President's Message 18 January 2025

Bruce Turner
member photo

President’s Message 

Greetings and welcome. Thank you for joining our online news and updates. 
A very brief report this week! At the time of writing this report, the set-up for the Book Fair is complete and we are ready to roll. Thank you to Neil Henderson, Linda Neale, Michael Reed and the team of helpers who have put in so much time and effort to get us ready for what will be another successful fund-raiser for our club. If you are one of the many volunteers, either a member or friend of Rotary, who has been helping to make this event possible you are most likely resting and recovering. There will be a detailed report in next week’s bulletin, but I would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to The Surf Coast Secondary School for allowing us to use their buildings for the Book Fair. 
Updates for members: 
  • Call for Nominations for District Governor: 
In accordance with the 2022 Bylaws of Rotary International Articles 12 and 13 (pp 32-37) and the 2023 Rotary Code of Policies: Sections 17.030.3, 17.040, 19.030, 26.070 District 9780 Rotary Clubs are invited to submit suggested candidates for District Governor 2026-2027.  
Please follow this link for the detailed email containing all relevant information and links regarding District Governor Nominations.  
  • If you have volunteered for any of the Cadel Evans events you should have received an email explaining you location and role. 
  • A reminder to please like and share any of our posts on Facebook to let our community know what we are doing. 
  • Please keep an eye on our emails as there may be updates to our rosters over the coming weeks. 
Bruce Turner 

District Conference call for volunteers and partner options


The District Conference website is being updated constantly at this link - 

Call for volunteers

We need many people to help us run the conference over the three days.
If you would like to assist as a volunteer, please use this link to the volunteer platform to select the role(s) you would like to do, and your choice of dates and times. 

Partner Program

We now have a number of options for partners and friends to enjoy if they are not attending the conference sessions.  These include Chocolate Making as the Ocean Road Chocolaterie, a tour of the historic Fyansford Papermill and a tour of the Torquay Surfing Museum. 
You will find full details and the links to register for any or all of these on the conference registration site Humanitix
For any further information, please contact conference chair Michael Reed - email  or ph:- 0418 524 315
Geelong Travel - Travel and Cruise World Expo

For more information from our Conference Sponsor - Geelong Travel, about their Travel and Cruise World Expo, Sunday 2nd Feb 2025 please Click Here for full details.

Call for Nominations for District Governor 2026 - 2027

Call for Nominations  or District Governor 2026-2027

Inaccordance withthe 2022 Bylaws ofRotary International Articles12and13(pp32-37) and the 2023 Rotary Code of Policies: Sections 17.030.3, 17.040, 19.030, 26.070 District 9780 Rotary Clubs are invited to submit suggested candidates for District Governor 2026-2027.  
Please be aware that changes to the role ofthe District Governor are being piloted as part of the Zone 8 Regionalisation Pilot.   
The pilot is scheduled to conclude in June 2026, following which there will be a review of the pilot outcomes, and further decisions will be made concerning the future role ofthe District Governor.    
Any applicants for the role of District Governor in 2027-28are advisedthat the responsibilities at that time will be different to the current District Governor role as defined by Rotary International in the RI Bylaws Article 16.030. 
Please see attached information and the District Website for further information.   
Red Cross Lifeblood 10-14 Feb 2025
Got a bit of time next week?
Time to give blood and change lives?
1 in 3 people in Torquay will need blood, and they need people like you to give it.

We’re popping up in town from 10 to 14 February.

Don’t forget to pre-book your spot at, on our app or on 13 14 95 
Please Click Here for the poster advertising this event.
Book Fair
Book Fair sales are from 9 am to 4 pm each day during 17th - 19th January 2025.
A pop up BOOK FAIR is a major fund raising activity for the Torquay Rotary Club.
  • Environmental impact - recycling of reading material
  • Collaboration of Community - Secondary College and Rotary
  • Community Impact - provides Rotary with funds to support a variety of activities within our local community as well as the broader national and international projects
Grab something to read and then pass it on to someone else to read - from just $2.  

Kieser Torquay Open Days

Cultural Cooking - Bolani Workshop at Torquay Community House

Cultural Cooking: in collaboration with Common Ground, and the Staying Grounded Project.   
Established in 2020, our Staying Grounded program provides training and employment pathways in farming and hospitality for people facing disadvantage in the Geelong region. In particular, we work with women from asylum seeker and immigrant communities seeking employment. 
Bolani is a traditional vegan Afghani stuffed bread dish, served with a variety of dips/relishes.  Participants will learn techniques and make this delicious meal and accompanying dips.  The group will conclude by sharing a meal together.  Ingredients for this dish will be sourced from the Common Ground farm as much as possible. 
When:  Wednesday 5th March 2025, 10:30am - 1:00pm 
Where: Torquay Community House, 14 Price Street 
Please note, as this class uses a traditional recipe and methods, this class can't be adapted to be gluten free or friendly.  Please contact us if you have other allergy considerations and we will advise if this class is suitable. 
This event requires a minimum number of participants to proceed.  Torquay Community House reserves the right to cancel this event if ticket sales do not reach the minimum threshold by 1 February.  Refunds will be issued if the class is cancelled by TCH. 
Visit this link to arrange tickets 
Volunteer Roster


NOTE: Cowrie Market Trading Hours. 9-00am - 2-00pm 
Volunteer Roster Times: AM Shift 8-30am - 11-30am. PM Shift 11-30am - 2-30pm. 

Cowrie Market: Sunday Jan 19thBruce Turner to deliver trailer 

  1. AM. Gerard Hogan 
  1. AM. John Oswald 
  1. AM. Daryl Lee 
  1. AM. Chris Sims 
  1. PM. Gail Birchall 
  1. PM. Greg Birchall 
  1. PM. Garth Symington 
  1. PM. Kelly Binyon 

Anglesea Resale Shed (Anglesea Tip).

Saturday Jan 25th Times are from 9.45 am until 2.15pm. 
9.45 – 12.00: Garth Symington, John Oswald, ---------------. 
12.00 – 2.00: Garth Symington, Bruce Turner, ----------------. 
We need two more volunteers, please contact Garth if you can help. 
Mobile: 0419 519 899 

Member Birthdays and Anniversaries

January member birthdays:

No member birthdays in January 

Future meetings 

Program for Jan, Feb 2025

Mon Jan 20thNO MEETING - Book Fair breather  
Mon 27th JanNO MEETING - public holiday  
Mon 3rd FebMotor Show briefingTrevor Hall 
Mon 10th FebNO MEETING - Motor Show breather  
Mon 17th FebNO MEETING - see joint meeting below  
WEDNS 19th FebJoint meeting with RC Grovedale Waurn PondsVenue to be confirmed 
Mon 24th FebPerson behind the badgeJudy Rutter 
Mon 17 MarDistrict Conference BriefingMike Reed 

Rotary International Key Links

Rotary District 9780 Website

Rotary International Website

Donate to Rotary International 

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